We believe in one God who exists in 3 persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that God’s desire has always been for all people to be connected to Him in an intimate relationship, but sin created a barrier between us and God. A barrier that could only be removed by living a perfect, sin free life. A task that we could never accomplish. But God’s desire to be reconnected with His people caused Him to send us His one and only son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Jesus’ death and resurrection gave us all the opportunity to be reconnected with God if we will just put our faith and trust in Jesus.
To Love God and to Love all People as God loves them
1. God’s Word Is the authority for lives – We believe that God’s word points us to the best life possible but only when we surrender our lives to what its truths. This is our number value and all of the rest of our values comes straight from this value.
2. Intimate Relationship – We believe that is still possible through faith and trust in Jesus that every single person can still be reconnected back to God. All of us have pasts and we have fallen short of the glory of God but because of what Jesus has done for us forgiveness and grace is still available.
3. Awesome Atmosphere – We believe that by creating atmospheres where we are all giving our talents, passions, resources and abilities and by removing religious obstacles that we can be a place where people, no matter where they are in their faith, can come and meet Jesus and they can work their “stuff” out with Him.
4. Spiritual Growth – We believe that growing in our faith only comes by being intentional. We have to intentionally work towards becoming people who are like Jesus.
5. Authentic Community – We believe that God’s desire for the Church is to be a “No Stone Throwing” kind of place. We are committed to making sure we are always a Church where anyone can come and admit their struggles and not be looked down upon. In other words, we want to be a place where we share our struggles and struggle together as we chase after Jesus.
6. Hands and Feet – We believe that God has given us all specific passions, talents, abilities and resources and when everyone is pouring those gifts collectively into the Church then that is when we are the best and most effective Church we can be.
7. Come and See – We believe that we are called to share the gospel and the best place to do that is within the relationships that we already have. If we have friends , family, co-workers / classmates, etc that don’t know Jesus then the most loving thing we can do for them is to invite them to come and see what Jesus has done for them.
In Matthew chapter 28 Jesus told His disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Jesus also said in John 14: “If you love me, keep my commands.” Therefore, we believe that Jesus has called all believers to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and for the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is an act of obedience. Baptism proclaims to the world that “I’m with Jesus” just as a wedding band proclaims marriage.
We practice baptism by immersion which we believe was exactly how John the Baptist was baptizing people including Jesus. We also see baptism by immersion when Philip baptized the eunuch in Acts chapter 8. In all of these cases the scripture says they “came up or went up out of the water.” In addition to that the word baptize literally translates to “immerse or dip under the water.”
Who should be baptized? Anyone that believes and has put their faith and trust in Jesus and what He did on a cross to save us from our sins.
Should children be baptized? We believe in baptizing children when they are old enough to understand exactly what they are doing. The biblical concept of this is called the “age of accountability.” Simply meaning that a child is covered by grace until they reach an age to be held accountable. There is no way to put a specific age on baptism because children mature at different ages.
Before Jesus died on a cross and rose again He instituted for us a meal. A beautiful meal to serve as a reminder for us how much He loves us. He told us that whenever we meet together, we should share this meal of a bread and wine (juice). As we take the bread we are to remember His body that was broken for us and as we drink the juice, we are to remember the blood that He shed for us. This is a meal for professed believers, and we partake of this meal each week in our Sunday morning service.